Thursday, 4 August 2011

US Budget Control Act of 2011 as Chapter 1 of Cervantes' Don Quixote de la Mancha

1. The US Budget Control Act of 2011 has passed both houses of Congressed and was signed into law by the President on August 2, 2011. This event behooves the Philosophical Foundations of Law and Finance to read the text [see,] and comment, which we will do in the 84th Session on August 5, 2011, from 6 to 8pm at Riding House (entry at 4 Little Titchfield Street), Room RH2 (top floor). Afterwards, there's a Thai Restaurant just around the corner which might attend.

2. To get us into the spirit of commenting on insanity in a very sane way and to enlighten our souls with the most charming forms of rhetoric, we will read a few pages of Cervantes' Don Quixote de la Mancha. See:

When you feel life is trying to throw you under a bus and you feel completely alone against forces which are crazy and out to get you, I recommemd Don Quixote to you as a cure through mirth. Every page of that 800+ page first novel makes me chuckle.

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